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BIOREM is a PROBIOTIC that contains large quantities of micro-organisms that are cultivated on a Lucerne medium. The product looks like milled lucerne, with a typical sour acetic smell. The species of lactic acid bacteria in BIOREM are specifically selected for their ability to multiply under conditions which are usually not very favourable to the conventional micro-organisms in the digestive tract, as well for their antagonism against specific pathogens.



Preventative: 4g stirred in the calf’s milk and 1g for Iambs, daily.
Acute diarrhoea: place a double dose of 8g (two desert spoons) two to three times per day dry on the tongue.


Packing size and Ordering codes:

100 g (LVS00203)

500 g (LVS00205)

1 kg (LVS07010)

2 kg (LVS00204)


Reg. no. G0958 (36/1947)

Reg. holder: Biorem Biological Products, 2A Jones Street, Oudtshoorn, 6625, Tel. 0861 246736,


  • The Lactic Acid Bacterial culture in BIOREM starts to multiply rapidly immediately after taken in. The circumstances in the rumen and lower digestive tract are ideal for the growth of these bacteria. The bacteria establish mostly on the mucosa of the digestive tract. Pathogenic micro-organisms present in the digestive tract reduced mainly by ways of competitive exclusion. The population of the ecosystem is brought into balance and an anaerobic situation is established. Bacteriosin, lactic acid, and even natural antibiotics are secretions that help in the reducing of the pathogens. Most pathogens are affectionate to oxygen and the rapid increase of the Lactic Acid Bacteria, change the situation to an anaerobic milieu which is unfavourable to the pathogens and their numbers start to decrease drastically. The result is a healthier animal that does not get sick easily.

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